
Selection of guides for inclusion, documents, reports, institutional positions

Guides and voices for the development of a more inclusive education.


Monographs on Inclusive Education and other publications of interest. Coinciding, in some cases, with the 25th anniversary of the Salamanca Declaration, during 21029 and 2020 several thematic/monographic issues on inclusive education have been published that we highlight for their relevance: 1) 25 years later. The impact of the Salamanca Statement on inclusive education. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education.13(2). 2) Inclusive Education for Social Justice (I) International Journal of Education for Social Justice. 8(2): 3) Inclusive Education for Social Justice (II) International Journal of Education for Social Justice. 9(1). 4) Educational and social inclusion under debate. Publications Magazine, of the University of Granada. 49(3). 5) Education for inclusion. An issue of human rights and social justice Synectics. Electronic Journal of Education, 53(19), 6) Inclusive education: New developments, new challenges. Prospects 49 (3.4). 7) Teachers as leaders. Achieving inclusive and quality education for all. Center for Welfare Reform (Sheffield, Yorkshire, England).


"The Global Report on Education GMR 2020", carried out annually by UNESCO, is dedicated this year to the analysis of inclusive education in the world. Under the eloquent quote that "Everyone is everyone", it makes an explicit call for it to be understood, once and for all, that inclusive education is an aspiration for all students, since the most vulnerable must be in the front line of our concerns and action plans.

The Millennium Development Goals (2030), committed to by the United Nations, have been configured as the horizon that humanity wants to give itself. An ambition as great as its complexity that, however, should not make us fall into the temptation of disenchantment or lack of individual commitment to its achievement. SDG 4, "Inclusive, equitable and quality education" is and will be, no one has the slightest doubt, the most important in order to guarantee the achievement of the rest of the Goals.

INSTITUTIONAL POSITIONS ON INCLUSIVE EDUCATION * United Nations (UN). Committee of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. General Comment, n4 on inclusive education * European Agency for special educational needs and inclusive education: Position on inclusive education. * Full Inclusion Spain, Positioning for an inclusive education that leaves no one behind * Manifesto in favor of Inclusion (Manifesto for Inclusion), is the result of the elaboration of the voices of more than 600 researchers, teachers, and students, who met on the occasion of the Conference "Counseling and support. Decent work, equity and inclusion: password for the present and the future" held at the University of Padua (Italy) in 2017.

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