Groups, teams, NGOs or university research institutes; colleagues, or collaboration networks with whom we share the values and principles of equity, inclusion, human rights, respect for diversity,... Although, obviously, "there are not all who are", our allies contribute in a notable way, from their own work, to develop and sustain a more inclusive education wherever they are.

The campaign “Inclusive education. To want it is to create it”. It is an initiative that seeks to generate, throughout the world, a culture for inclusion, which appeals to the responsibility of each one of us as members of the educational community, to build it.

The Regional Network for Inclusive Education—Latin America, RREI, is a coalition of organizations of and for people with disabilities, family members, and human rights organizations from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. They work for the right of people with disabilities to receive inclusive education in a school for all.

Catalyst is a global network for inclusive education, promoted by International Inclusion. It has the ability to respond in real time to demands and opportunities identified by member organizations. It includes resources to promote inclusive education and directly supports projects, training plans and advice to countries.

Inclusive Education in Action, is a website in which the European Agency for the Development of Special Needs Education and Inclusive Education, and UNESCO have joined forces and resources. As a novelty there is a whole series of "cases" of educational centers, all over the world, that show cultures, policies and inclusive practices.

The research team at the University of Cantabria, led by Professor Teresa Susinos, has created this Inclusion Lab. A great platform to participate and learn about, among other inclusive strategies, how to promote, analyze and enhance the voice of students for the development of more inclusive cultures, policies and practices.

The InclusiON research group, from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the UAM, wants to be a support platform for all those teachers who try to implement practices, actions and, ultimately, make decisions in their classroom environment that guarantee the non-exclusion of any student. Neither for his way of learning, nor of playing, nor evaluating and ultimately, of being.

The research group on "INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: SCHOOL FOR ALL", focuses its interest on school improvement processes in centers of all educational stages for the development of inclusion

INICO is a research institute of the University of Salamanca, directed by Miguel Angel Verdugo and made up of professionals who carry out training, research and advice activities on disability matters, aimed at promoting, facilitating and improving the quality of life and self-determination of people in a situation of social disadvantage in different contexts and throughout their life cycle.

IGNACIO CALDERÓN ALMENDROS. Professor of Theory of Education at the University of Malaga (Spain). Interested in the experience of exclusion and educational inclusion of people located on the margins, from disability, sociocultural disadvantage and immigration. Determined that the school is a place where we can all create meaning.

Coral Elizondo, is an expert in inclusive educational innovation. With extensive teaching experience and in the field of educational guidance, she works as a consultant and trainer on innovative topics to ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education.

The Research Group "Inclusion and Educational Improvement: coexistence and cooperative learning" of the University of Alcalá, focuses on the subject of school improvement from an inclusive perspective.

"Peer learning: collaboration, cooperative learning and peer tutoring" is a working group of the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) that brings together professionals from diverse backgrounds committed to the study, practice and dissemination of peer learning.

Research group "Educational Improvement and Critical Citizenship", MEICRI, of the Jaume I University of Castellón, is an interdisciplinary group that converges in the field of educational improvement from budgets and towards horizons of critical citizenship to promote equity, solidarity and social transformation.

The Acoge Group is made up of Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary and university teachers from the University of Valladolid in the education degrees (Primary, Early Childhood and Social) and by social educators from Castilla y León who collaborate together to work on social issues and of interest to the school. The common thread that runs through all the projects has to do with inclusive education and the fight to overcome social exclusion.

The UAM Research Institute on "Human Rights, Democracy and the Culture of Peace" is an interdisciplinary institute with the participation of the Culture of Peace Foundation, chaired by Federico Mayor Zaragoza, former Director General of UNESCO.

Inclusive Education Canada, directed by our good friend and colleague Gordon Porter, is one of the reference organizations in the field of inclusive education in a country, Canada, which is, in turn, a world reference in the task of bringing the values of inclusive education to policies (national, local and school) and classroom practices.

The BUDA research group at the University of Seville, led by Professor Anabel Moriña, is focused on promoting the development of more inclusive universities, with special emphasis on university students with disabilities.

The INIDE Team's mission is to contribute to the transformation of teaching practice to improve and enhance the comprehensive development of students as people and future citizens. They consider education as the engine of necessary social change and are committed to the construction of inclusive schools that promote coexistence and participation of the entire educational community.

AlfaSAAC is a multidisciplinary team from the fields of medicine, psychology, speech therapy, education, linguistics and translation and, in addition, they are mothers of children with disabilities and complex communication needs, with a common interest: the possibility to give a voice and the opportunity to teach reading and writing to people who, due to illness or disability, do not have natural speech (or this is very restricted) and face great challenges in the development of communication and language.

The mission of Plena Inclusion is to contribute, from its ethical commitment, with support and opportunities,

Ayuda en Acción is an NGO that focuses its efforts on accompanying people from childhood until they are able to take charge of their lives and transform their communities. For what? They defend and act for the right to self-sufficiency of all people in all parts of the world. They work for a decent present and a future with opportunities. How? Together with the communities, they imagine the future they want and set out to make it a reality. In turn, they communicate the progress to those who support them with total transparency.

DOWN ESPAÑA aspires to be the leading representative entity for the entire Spanish society for the inclusion and defense of Down syndrome human rights. It is an economically solvent and sustainable organization of families, promoter of projects of national and international reference in improving the lives of people with Down syndrome.

The Association of Teachers with Gypsies is a non-governmental, civil, non-denominational, multi-ethnic, intercultural, non-partisan and assembly-based Association, of a socio-educational nature and of democratic operation.

INMERSE Project, aimed at building a virtual community of professionals, institutions and other actors interested in the socio-educational integration of refugee and migrant children.

For some time now, Save the Children Spain has been publishing very valuable reports, due to their rigor and clarity, on different aspects of the Spanish educational system, and in other contexts, which always have the common denominator of their commitment to equality, equity and inclusion.

WORLD CAMPAIGN FOR EDUCATION, is an international coalition, born in the year 2000, made up of NGOs, unions from the educational environment, schools and social movements of a very diverse nature that have mobilized to raise awareness and mobilize citizens as spokespersons and activists of the Right to Education and influence political representatives so that they fulfill their commitments with the right to education.

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